Charity Profile - acet UK
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acet UK

Championing healthy relationships & sexual wellbeing

acet UK

Cause Impact

Helping young people make informed & wise decisions about relationships & sex, & develop healthy self-esteem & sexual wellbeing

About the Cause

acet UK trains, equips & inspires individuals, schools, churches & organisations, in the UK &internationally, to transform culture by promoting healthy self-esteem, positive relationships & good sexual health. We do this through relationships & sex education training, lesson delivery, & support for our international partners. Young people are growing up in a world where the meaning of sex is often diluted, porn is accessible at a click of a button, & where there can be an underlying message that relationships don’t really have to be good as long as they look good. There is a lot of pressure to look a certain way & behave in a certain way & this can have a deep impact on how young people view themselves & how they make decisions. Various research, including our own, demonstrates that young people are in need of support to navigate through these issues & that they want trustworthy, relatable & trained people to deliver their relationships & sex education in a way that engages & inspires them. Instead of traditional solutions that merely address the biology behind sex, we & our international partners, & the people we train, offer relationships & sex education that invests in the development of young people’s self-esteem & attitudes, encouraging them to value other people & value sex.

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